EllGeo Seagon Reinsurance Brokers Limited
Local Expertise for the East African Region
After years of successful trading in the Indian Ocean region, EllGeo Re (Mauritius) Limited (“EllGeo Re”) is now focusing its efforts on the bigger African Continent to seize the opportunities that will propel its growth.
In that sense, a new partnership between EllGeo Re and JW Seagon Brokers Ltd was launched at the JW Seagon offices in Ola Energy Plaza, Muthaiga, in Kenya, on 3rd October 2022. The new entity, EllGeo Seagon Re, is based in the JW Seagon offices and aims to serve the region’s insurance companies with customised reinsurance solutions.

Sidney K. Mutai
Senior Reinsurance Consultant East Africa
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration & Finance with IT, on course towards CII (UK)
Areas of Expertise:
Business Development, Account Reconciliation, Facultative Sourcing, Portfolio Analysis & Presentation, Claims Management, Treaty & Facultative Wording